Los Angeles, California USA

Posts filed under: organic home cleaning

Plastic storage containers – who really gives them a second thought? Recent studies show that we should. Columbia University recently reported a profound link between prenatal exposure to a common household chemical and a lower IQ. We have been hearing...
There are so many cooking oils to choose from. What isn’t made clear is which oils are safe for cooking and which should really be saved for cold applications. Last week we learned about olive oil and the amazing health...
‘Thank’ Your Way to a Healthy Life It’s a little odd when you think that we need a particular day to remind us to feel thankful. We all need a little reminder to connect with family and friends, and to...
Find Nature’s Clues to Food Nature provides a bounty of healing herbs and foods. We are part of Mother Earth and she is a great resource for us all. There are so many things that we can do to help...
Our ancestors ate what they could hunt, gather, or grow. But we are definitely not our ancestors, and our bodies have adapted to the present day – where you can buy food whenever you need. However, eating locally grown produce...
  • child with hobby playing piano
Parents have one of the hardest jobs on the planet. They have to raise children to take over what the present adults have established. Whether you are a parent, an aunt, an uncle, or simply have friends that have children,...
Monterey Park, California (August 4, 2014) – iGOZEN is offering a fruit and vegetable wash made of 100% natural, organic ingredients that effectively neutralize bacteria which cause food-borne diseases and remove pesticides and different kinds of impurities found on fruits and vegetables. Through...
  • zen philosophy
The average life expectancy of a human being in the 21st Century is roughly 80+ years old if a person is in excellent health. This is the oldest average life expectancy in recorded history. Some individuals have been known to...
  • honey
While reading through some of our past iGOZEN articles I came back to my recent post about my beekeeper friend. I started thinking about the importance of bees and other pollinators. Honeybees in particular, are not only important as pollinators,...
  • A stroke messed with the wrong chick
Sometimes circumstances beyond our control change how we are able function. Everyday activities can become seemingly impossible challenges. Some diseases, ailments, and tragedies, such as a stroke, can happen without any rhyme or reason. All at once it is as...