Los Angeles, California USA

Posts filed under: organic home cleaning

“There is general agreement that exposure to home cleaning chemicals in industrial and household cleaning products is linked with asthma: ammonium quaternary compounds, disinfectants, bleach, air fresheners, furniture polish, etc.,” (Society of Toxicology)...
“I was stung five times the other day. I couldn’t be happier!” My friend is a beekeeper and while I enjoy her honey; I do not enjoy being stung as much as she seemed to. She went on to explain...
  • Enjoy Life
Far too many of us find that our days blur together in a drudgery of work, eat, home, sleep, and repeat. Once in a while we may notice the beautiful blue sky or pretty flower perhaps we may even have...
  • Organic Groceries
While perusing the aisles of a grocery store or shopping for organic items, there is an astonishing difference in cost between conventional and organic brands. This even applies to cleaning products, which tend to be cheaper without an all-natural or...
  • woman cleaning germs
The average child contracts the common cold six to eight times a year, while the average adult contracts the common cold about four or five times a year.  There are also many different types of illnesses that assault our immune...
The world has slowly been changing over the last several years with many more people now realizing how important it is to make environmentally responsible choices. This awareness coupled with a downturn in the global economy has led many to...
The world is a tough place for the animals, plants and waterways right now because of so much pollution.  Here at iGOZEN we are doing all we can to help by providing NEW patented, green organic cleaning products that are...
Here’s part 3 of my investigative reporting on oven cleaners. This time the suspect in questions is the 2nd most common ingredient, Monoethanolamine, or MEA.Or any of the other names it goes by. There’s a list of the other names...
Palmolive’s Pure & Clear: Not so Pure and Clear  My urge for a healthier home has resulted in a continued interest to check out what I was buying, right down to the molecules. Time-consuming, but worth it. And also difficult to understand...
   These days there’s so many products at the supermarket, it’s hard not to glaze over and just get my usual trusted brands. Although I have to admit, I am finding less and less items at the big brand stores that...