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Monthly Archives: June 2015

Overstimulated & Stressed Everywhere you look, there is stuff. We have been overstimulated into a stress-induced coma. Our world is turning into a proverbial Walmart. Signs hang everywhere proclaiming what you need and without which you cannot live. Colors chosen...
Controversial Cannabis There are many naturally occurring, organic substances in the world that can seem to be a double edge sword. It’s not the item itself that is the problem. All too often humankind’s use (or abuse) of it that...
We Only Live Once! Making every moment the best it can be by discovering how to live a happier life can seem like an obvious solution. Nevertheless, it really is that simple. Life will not stop and allow you to...
  • washing vegetables
The Importance of Food Washes Water is the elixir of life. It helps keep you feeling fresh and clean. However, is it the cure-all when it comes to ensuring your family’s safety against the many pesticides, bacteria, and herbicides that...
Sugar-Free is easy with Natural Substitutes! We have heard so much about all the unhealthy substitutes that are out there claiming to be healthier than sugar. We have also gone over why sugar itself really shouldn’t be included in our...
And is Organic Livestock Important? It is easy to see how eating organic produce and keeping those nasty pesticides and herbicides out of our kitchens and bodies is important. However, it can be easy to overlook how it is equally...
All Natural Sweeteners Used in Moderation Continuing our series on the use of artificial sweeteners and sweetener substitutes brings us to all-natural sweeteners. While natural is always better than chemicals in our bodies, there is still a danger if we...