zen philosophyThe average life expectancy of a human being in the 21st Century is roughly 80+ years old if a person is in excellent health. This is the oldest average life expectancy in recorded history. Some individuals have been known to live well into their 90’s and even past 100!! The goal, however, is not only about living a long life, but also living a healthy life.

A Life Worth Living

There are no guarantees in life and certainly no expiration dates attached to our birth certificates. The goal is to live a life worth living while we have the time to do so. When we have reached the end of our days, and a new journey is on our horizon, we want to look back and feel we have left footprints in the sand that others can follow. In other words, live life without regrets. One way to do this is by living as Earth friendly as possible. This leaves behind an environment for the next generation that is that much safer and that much cleaner. It shows a sense of integrity and pride in the gifts that have been given us –  namely, life!

I GO ZEN, why?

You don’t have to become a Buddhist to live a life based on the Zen principles. You also don’t have to shut down from the outside world or live like a monk. It compliments every belief and every walk of life. Everyone can benefit from going Zen! The principles behind Zen living are to find balance between yourself and your surroundings, and to respect all living beings. You take the time to connect with the life around you even if it is simply enjoying a walk through your garden. As consumers we tend to live life in excess, ultimately creating an imbalanced world. The philosophy behind iGOZEN teaches you how to reduce the clutter in your life. Learn how to treat yourself properly and to live in the now instead of in the tomorrows or the past. This is what iGOZEN is all about: doing more with less. We all want less waste and less toxic chemicals polluting our bodies and our environment! The Earth itself has provided us the key to life and living well. Why not use the renewable resources we have while giving back at the same time? The secret to the iGOZEN products is this philosophy. The iGOZEN Everyday Cleaner, Veg/Fruit Wash, and Meat/Fish wash are all designed (right down to the reusable packaging) to help you have peace of mind. Start by simple living! Switch to organic and all-natural eating and read your labels. You can replace your everyday cleaning products with healthier choices! If it says all-natural, chemical-free, and children and pet friendly…you have a winner! If not, consider iGOZEN or a similar all-natural product as a replacement.  

Applications & Resources

  • Read Finding Zen which breaks down what Zen is and how to integrate it into your daily life
  • Check out more uses for iGOZEN Everyday Cleaner on Pinterest
  • Read the Healthy House Institute’s thoughts on iGOZEN
  • Start by setting a goal and take small steps so you are not overwhelmed while you make the transition to peace and harmony
iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life that transcends simple cleaning products. We want you to live a happy and healthy life. We hope you are able to take away something from our articles that help you find a sense of “Zen” in your life. Whether through an iGOZEN product or a similar chemical-free alternative take the time to find out for yourself what can enhance your life.