Los Angeles, California USA

Posts filed under: Organic lifestyle

Since the 1900’s homes have become increasingly toxic due to a number of elements outside the control of a homeowner. Construction laws mandating use of unhealthy materials (ex. asbestos and, more recently, fiberglass) and lead-containing paints (now banned) are now...
The world is a tough place for the animals, plants and waterways right now because of so much pollution.  Here at iGOZEN we are doing all we can to help by providing NEW patented, green organic cleaning products that are...
Here’s part 3 of my investigative reporting on oven cleaners. This time the suspect in questions is the 2nd most common ingredient, Monoethanolamine, or MEA.Or any of the other names it goes by. There’s a list of the other names...
   These days there’s so many products at the supermarket, it’s hard not to glaze over and just get my usual trusted brands. Although I have to admit, I am finding less and less items at the big brand stores that...
Natural home cleaning supplies are going to become more and more in demand as we progress well deeper into our current decade. That’s my prediction. Why? Well, you don’t have to look very far for a good reason. I sure...