Los Angeles, California USA

Posts filed under: organic home cleaning

 Your Diet & Pesticide Toxicity There is no doubt that if you eat conventionally grown foods you will be exposed to pesticides. It is a fact and there is no way around it. Washing your foods is still very helpful...
Obtainable Organics It is one thing to shop in the store and know what you are looking for; it’s another to have the experience of producing the food you eat. Many of us will never have a chance to step...
Organic Living Takes a Village A common concern among those who are trying to live an organic life is the cost. Not everyone lives in the country. The best way to live organically is with the support of a community....
Open Your Mind – Find Happiness “The world is infinitely possible for those who are willing to listen and dream,” (iGOZEN). There are very simple principles to maintain a happy life or turn your life around. We all have basic...
Eliminating Stress with Organic Scents If you have ever been walking along and suddenly smelled a familiar aroma that brought back a memory that elicited a powerful emotion – you understand the power of scents. Whether it’s the smell of...
Finding Your Happy Place Finding your happy place is not difficult when you implement some simple principles to bring harmony and balance. However, it takes a combination of these principles to reach a long lasting happiness. Our next series is...
Gluten or a Wheat Protein Wheat is considered one of the highest ranked food allergies. Sometimes it is a gluten issue other times it is a protein in the wheat itself. However, it has become more and more difficult to...
Organic Farming & Community The argument that we need genetically modified produce, pesticides, and herbicides to produce enough food to feed the planet is false. Organic farming has become a controversial way of life rather than the norm, and what...
Overstimulated & Stressed Everywhere you look, there is stuff. We have been overstimulated into a stress-induced coma. Our world is turning into a proverbial Walmart. Signs hang everywhere proclaiming what you need and without which you cannot live. Colors chosen...
Controversial Cannabis There are many naturally occurring, organic substances in the world that can seem to be a double edge sword. It’s not the item itself that is the problem. All too often humankind’s use (or abuse) of it that...