Dry-Hands1Winter Cold & Skin Damage

It seems that 2016 has proven to be a very interesting year so far. Winter has shown up in places that are not used to seeing harsh cold seasons. Along with the bitter cold often comes dry cracked skin. As we turn up the heat in our homes, we unknowingly turn down the humidity in the air. Our skin may be in much need of some repair!

Give Your Skin a Drink!

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of the body? Every organ in the body needs water to survive. It needs to stay moist and supple – skin is no exception! The disadvantage skin has is that it is on the outside and can’t just slurp up all the water it wants with no risk of outside exposure. Another great reason to stay hydrated. This means not only do we need to keep it moist but – your skin is a living organ! It works hard every day fighting off pathogens and keeping you safe from all the outside forces trying to get in. It even keeps all the stuff on the inside where it belongs. Your skin can also give you a window into what is going on inside your body as well. Through the pores in your skin, there is a constant exchange of oils, water, and air. If the body needs another way besides the lungs, kidneys, or digestive tract to get rid of toxins – it chooses the skin. The next time you have a pimple – thank your skin. It is helping to rid your body of toxins or guarding your insides from a nasty invader.

When Your Skin Suffers…

The health of your skin can depend on your diet, the environment, genes, and stress. Dry skin is a common ailment. The body contains roughly 80% water. Some is lost through urination, sweat and respiration. Replenishing that water is imperative for healthy living. When you are dehydrated skin can look dry, lifeless and become inflamed and cracked. Oily skin can be a problem especially on your face even when it’s cold outside. Too much oil can clog pores leading to skin conditions like acne, even in adulthood. Itchy skin can be the result of allergies or any number of the issues already mentioned. Scratching can damage skin and lead to infection and scarring. Here is a great place to start healing:

  1. Aloe Vera – These beautiful green succulent plants have many uses. Rub the gel on itching skin to begin the healing process.
  1. Hydrate! –Water is the best. Drink plenty of water to help your body to eliminate toxins and replenish what you lose on a daily basis.
  1. Oatmeal – Add some plain ground oatmeal to warm bath water to alleviate itchy skin. You can use a coffee grinder.
  1. All-natural scrub – Mix finely ground almonds and a pinch of cinnamon with honey and gently rub all over your face and rough skin spots. Continue for a few minutes with your hands and then rinse off. This can help remove excess oil from the face.
  1. Baking soda –For itchy skin, sprinkle it in a warm bath and take a long soak.
  1. Apple cider vinegar – It is acidic and can reduce the shine and the amount of oil on your face when used as an astringent.
  1. Avocados – Create a paste from fresh avocados and apply to the skin. The avocado oil helps to relieve and repair dry skin.
  1. Cucumber – Helps to relieve sunburn skin and puffiness around the eyes.

If skin issues persist or get increasingly worse, consult a dermatologist. Choosing all-natural and organic ingredients helps keep your non-toxic lifestyle safe and chemical-free. Often our backyard and pantry has all the ingredients we need to treat common ailments and afflictions. The Earth is truly a wonderful place!

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