No one can argue that the best food source for an infant is breast milk. Even with this knowledge many women choose, or are forced through circumstance, to resort to feeding their infants baby formula. A parent’s concern about giving their family the best nutrition possible doesn’t end with baby formula. How can the care you take to eat organic, non-GMO foods be applied to baby formula when breastfeeding isn’t an option? Even more important, what is in baby formula?

When Breastfeeding Isn’t an Option

When the discussion comes up about breastfeeding or formula feeding it can seem like a debate. You have the breastfeeding crowd on one side and the formula feeding people on the other. But in reality it isn’t that black and white. Some women are able to breastfeed from day one and are able to weather through the learning process. Others start breastfeeding and later switch to formula. Still others have trouble from the start and turn to formula – and for the mothers that didn’t give birth to their babies; and formula is the only option. There are these reasons for formula feeding and many more. In the end the real motive is to simply give your infant what you feel is best for them. And if you feel formula is the best for your baby, you undoubtedly want to know what is in it. What exactly will you be feeding your baby? How can you make sure that the formula you choose is the best you can give?

What Is In Your Baby Formula?

One ingredient in breast milk that has not always been present in baby formula is DHA. DHA is a fatty acid that has shown to have a major impact on cognition and visual processes. It’s a brain boosting essential fat, basically. Most formulas now tote the DHA stamp. But like food labeled “All Natural” not all the ingredients are what you may want. The FDA regulates baby formula and requires a certain amount of nutrients and essential ingredients. This means that all formula is basically the same. (I’m thinking of the formulas with DHA). In one way that is good news for those of us who are formula feeding. Of course there are specialty formulas for allergies and other issues that may arise, but the key ingredients are largely the same. So, give me the ingredients already! Similac is a very popular brand of formula. I took a look at Similac’s Sensitive formula ingredients. My thought was “Surely this would be more nutritious as a formula alternative?”– Not so much. The first two ingredients were

  • Corn Syrup (first ingredient)
  • Sugar

We already know that corn syrup and sugar are not good for us and we survived just fine before they became major ingredients in many processed foods. I was appalled to see these ingredients included in baby formula let alone the first two ingredients! The other issue I am having is there is no formula available for formula. At least I can’t find it. Aside from mentioning the FDA required nutrients in the ingredient list, there are no clear ingredient formula. These formulas seem like guarded secrets. Everywhere I look I see the same answer to my question:

“All infant formulas sold in the United States must meet the nutrient standards set by the FDA. Although manufacturers might vary in their formula recipes, the FDA requires that all formulas contain the minimum recommended amount — and no more than the maximum amount — of nutrients that infants need,” (Mayo Clinic).

My trust in the FDA to provide a standard that is best for me is shaken. Between allowing beaver anal gland secretion in my food whilst labeling it as a “natural flavor” to allowing sulfur dioxide that they also acknowledge as possibly very bad for me – to exist in most food products, I’ve lost my trust in them at this point.

What Baby Formula Can I Use?

The answer is simple: read labels. I did come across an article that mentioned both the Similac brand formula and Earth’s Best Organic Formula. I’m encouraged to see that not only is Earth’s Best organic, but they also have the following first two ingredients:

  • Organic Reduced Minerals Whey
  • Organic Non-Fat Milk

The list continued with many more appealing ingredients. The major concern is that in the traditional brands of formula, there isn’t full disclosure. There’s no way to know what exactly you are feeding your little one. The nutrients are present, but can that little body assimilate those ingredients easily and quickly? You can live off of processed food but you will not have nearly the health benefits of an organic, un-processed diet. Baby formula is processed food. If you have to use formula – there is no shame. There are organic solutions!

Applications & Baby Formula Resources

  • Check out Medline for a basic list of what types of traditional formula is out there
  • Read more about what you may be putting into your baby’s
  • Go to Babycenter for 5 things you didn’t know about formula feeding
  • For more information about the pro & con of formula check out BellyBelly, Hudson Valley,
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