Over the past few years, much debate has arisen over the growing and consuming of genetically modified food. While many people believe that this may be a solution to feed the millions of starving people in developing countries, others believe that the consumption of GMO foods can lead to the development of a wide variety of health complaints, many of which can be life-threatening.

What GMO Foods Really Are

While many people think that these foods are exactly the same as conventionally-grown or organic foods, they are very much mistaken. These so-called foods have literally been created in a laboratory and have been modified in ways which make them more resistant to crop pests and enable them to grow larger and faster than conventional crops. Scientists have claimed that by enabling these plants to produce more food at faster rates, it will solve the problem of trying to feed the growing world population. Unfortunately, this artificial production of food doesn’t come without risks.

Potential Side Effects of Consuming GMO Foods

Although genetically modified food was first introduced during the 1990s, it has only been during the past few years that studies have been done to determine whether people who consume this food suffer from any side effects. Many times over, research has shown that the consumption of GMO foods can lead to the development of various forms of cancer as well as other health conditions. In many cases, animals who consumed diets consisting of genetically modified feed consistently gave birth to offspring that were either deformed in various ways or were born with severely compromised immune systems.

Why GMO Free Food is Safer to Consume

Many times over, research is proving that there is a significant difference between genetically modified foods and those which have been certified as GMO free. Organic foods contain nothing but wholesome goodness and the very nutrients that our bodies need, while genetically modified items contain substance without any nutritional value whatsoever. While the items may look like organic produce, they usually have little to no taste and are completely devoid of nutrients. This means that while these foods may stop the hunger pangs and fill the tummies of hungry people, they will actually still starve to death because of the fact that their bodies are receiving no goodness from what they are eating.

Risks Associated With Growing GMO Crops

In recent years, farmers who are growing organic crops have had to deal with their crops being contaminated by neighbouring farmers who produce genetically modified crops. It has also been discovered that GMO crops are not actually producing the yields that were initially promised by the manufacturers of the genetically modified seeds. This has resulted in many farmers going bankrupt. Because these seeds are usually only designed to produce a single crop, farmers can also no longer save seeds from previous crops, which means that they now have to outlay substantial amounts of money for seeds during each planting season. It is important to remember that while genetically modified foods may look more appealing to the eye because of the fact that they appear to all be perfect and evenly sized, they offer no nutritional benefit to humans or livestock and they are also not the solution to the world’s escalating food crisis. The only solution to this is to involve more farmers in organic subsistence farming.