AutismThe mystery surrounding the causes of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders have been stumping researchers for many years. Some have attributed autism to childhood vaccines, diet, and a myriad of other variables that are seemingly proven and debunked within the same day. Parents of children who fall within the autism spectrum, expecting parents, and couples trying to conceive are all seeking answers to the exact cause of Autism.

What is Autism?

If you were to ask parents what autism is, you would potentially hear the exact medical definition. More likely, however, you will receive a personal account of what autism means to them and their child. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke (NINDS), Autism is defined as:

“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior,” (NINDS, 2009).

For a parent of an autistic child, austism means everyday trials and triumphs in simple things. For example, buying a new pair of shoes for school may require planning, slow introduction, and a lot of thought. Pizza may have to be round and not square, or clothing may need to be all laid out ahead of time or the child may not be able to get dressed. What may be a simple task that takes little thought for the average family takes much more planning, especially if a routine is broken. A canceled television show can take weeks to recuperate from. Auditory and tactile issues may be more sensitive to the child and must be considered carefully. In short, a family with a child living with Autism or with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) does not have a “normal” day.

Proven: Autism and Pesticide Exposure In Vitro

It is not a surprise that chemicals in our environment can cause birth defects and affect the health of everyone. However, on June 24, 2014 CNN Health reported a link between pregnant women exposed to agricultural pesticide and an increased risk for Autism and ASD. CNN reported the following:

“Researchers at the University of California, Davis, looked at the medical records of 970 participants. They found pregnant women who lived within a mile of an area treated with three different types of pesticides were at a two-thirds higher risk of having a child with ASD or developmental delays,” (Harmeet Kaur – Special to CNN).

There is still a need for research to determine the effect of pesticide use in the home. However, the study investigated three classes of pesticides:  organophosphates, including, chlorpyrifos, pyrtheroids, and carbamates. The report goes on to advise pregnant women to limit exposure and read all your labels. Agricultural pesticides are not limited to farms and farmland. These types of pesticides are used in many landscaping areas such as golf courses, roadsides, and pastures. It is very important that you wash your produce with an organic, chemical free, food cleaner and wash your hands as soon as you are able after touching conventionally grown produce. This includes the food you come in contact with while shopping!  

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  iGOZEN is for Your Health

iGOZEN represents a way of living that brings life into every home. The philosophy of the iGOZEN movement is a way to bring your health under your control. This could be by learning through articles, or it could be through your experience with our chemical-free iGOZEN products. We want to help you make healthy choices that will affect generations to come.