pollen allergenKeeping Spring Allergies at Bay

Spring has sprung and so has the need for tissues and eye drops. For those who suffer with seasonal allergies spring can be like a double edge sword. It is both beautiful and something to dread. Both allergies and asthma can be a problem in the spring. Thankfully, if you are one of those who suffer every spring, you are not left to face that battle unarmed. We have found another great use for our Everyday Cleaner!

In or Out – it Doesn’t Matter

Pollen counts are increasing and with all the added outside activities of grass cutting and yard work – those with allergies are left to suffer. Most of us who suffer the ongoing battle with our tissues during seasonal changes know that staying inside helps a little. However, it doesn’t matter if you are inside or not; you can’t escape the effects of allergy season. Allergens are everywhere! The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology a minimum of six allergens in 50% of homes. These allergens are carried in by you, your family, houseguests, and your pets. They can be kicked up from your floors, carried in the air, found on furniture, and even collect in the natural dust in your home. Springtime leaves us especially vulnerable because all these new plants are sending out pollen and working to open up to the new warmth. Which is great for them and wonderful for us to watch. But it also means when we open our homes after the long winter those allergens are blowing in.

A Plan of Action

Personally, I’d rather allergies to living in a closed house. So I fling open my windows, and then promptly shut them as the temperature drops in the evening. It is April and I live in the north where even now I can wake to frost on the grass. But I have learned an interesting little trick that seems to help a bit. Since I know I need this refreshing burst of airing out the house after living in hibernation; I create a cleaning maintenance schedule. I open up the house first thing in the morning. The dew is still on the ground so nothing is really flying through the air. As things begin to dry out I start shutting windows. Once things are shut the wiping down begins. This removes any residual allergens that settled down. I do this again in the evening after everyone is done carrying in pollen and whatnot from outside.

Organic & Chemical-free

This is where the chemical-free Everyday Cleaner comes in. Common household cleaners have ingredients that will leave behind a dangerous film. This alone can cause allergic reactions and breathing issues. The Everyday Cleaner is safe enough that I can employ a child to help with the quick “Allergy Wipe-down” as we call it. I can touch up light switches and even phones without worrying about my skin or my breathing. By having a seasonal allergy maintenance routine you can reduce your symptoms and your tissue usage. And by using the Everyday Cleaner you won’t have to worry about leaving behind any residual dangerous chemicals either.

Applications & Resources for Allergens

• Go to Everyday Health for tips on an allergy free home and more tips here • Check out the Everyday Cleaner for yourself and grab a sample • Read more about Indoor Allergens at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. Allergens are only a part of what we traffic into our homes. You never have to fear the ingredients in our cleaner or washes. We will always use chemical-free, non-toxic, and organic ingredients to keep you and your loved ones safe. We hope you enjoy our articles and posts. Feel free to look us up on Facebook. We would love to hear from you too!