300px-Hazardous-pesticidePesticide Overload

It is no secret that pesticides are poison. Pest and weed killers have enough warning labels on them to write a novel! Just look at how people need to protect themselves during and after spraying. If you have to wear a virtual space suit to apply something to your food – do you really want to put it in your mouth? Of course, we all need to eat and so we choose the least offending foods possible. Organic and chemical-free is best but it does not keep you 100% safe. So how is Pesticide use affecting you? Can you detox to help your body cope even with the cross-contamination to your organic veggies?

Glyphosate-Reliant Farms

For years, the ground has been soaking up every chemical entering our food supply. There is so much pollution that glyphosate has even been found in rainwater! What is glyphosate? Glyphosate is a dangerous ingredient in Roundup, which is a leading pesticide and herbicide used by conventional farmers. Because of homeowners and commercial farmers alike, glyphosate has made its way into our waterways and into our bodies. Pesticide resistant plants and pests have only served to cause an increase in the use of pesticides! Since glyphosate is a hormone disrupter, it can cause an array of detrimental health issues.

Taking Back Your Health

To some extent, we can’t avoid the chemicals that are in our environment. Nevertheless, we can give our bodies the extra boost it needs to combat the toxins and flush out as much as possible. Take steps to add natural sources of fiber, foods high in enzymes, and of course antioxidants. Another addition to your diet that can help with protecting and naturally detoxing is sulfur! Organic food with natural, good for you, sulfur are:

  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Cruciferous vegetables (Brussel sprouts, cabbages, etc.)
  • Proteins like: Nuts, legumes, & organic poultry

High fiber comes easily enough when they are already part of your organic diet. However, sometimes you need a little more than simply adding to your diet. Some supplements known for binding and helping your body to protect itself are:

  • Folate
  • B6
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Gingko biloba extract
  • And more…

Damage control is not always easy but thankfully, our bodies want to cleanse themselves! By keeping yourself healthy and making sure, you only incorporate organic foods and chemical-free products in your home – you can greatly decrees the amount of pesticide exposure.

Applications & Resources

  • Check out the article in Organic Life for more about pesticide use
  • Find more recipes for detoxing at Gaiam Life
  • Read more about all-natural detoxing at Bembu

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a lifestyle. You work so hard to live an organic chemical-free life. Sometimes, we still need to do a little extra to ensure total wellness. We hope you enjoy our posts and articles. Feel free to try one of our chemical-free, organic Fruit/Veg Wash or our Everyday Cleaner and keep your home toxin free.