imagesOur Wonderful Community

We have a community of brothers and sisters that are striving to create a better world through organic living. Creating organic products and learning to live an organic lifestyle takes research and a collaboration of like-minded individuals. From the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cleaning products we use, to the cosmetics we apply – there’s a lot to consider in the organic lifestyle. Living organic can sometimes seem like a daunting hurdle. Thank goodness there are gatherings like BIOFACH – an international Trade Fair for Organic Food. They are partnered with VIVANESS – the International Trade Fair for Organic Personal Care.

Around The World

Every year there is an amazing gathering of organic industry representatives from around the world. They meet in Nuremburg, Germany. This year there were over 44,000 trade visitors from 136 countries! Each year, this three-day long Trade Fair grows larger as more people are becoming aware of this amazing exchange of ideas.

Organic – Not Just Food

While a good portion of what we talk about here is obviously about food, there are other industries that need to be considered in an organic lifestyle. Harvested products are used for fabrics, building materials, and much more. Understanding and researching sustainable agriculture is important in order for us to reduce our carbon footprint.

“ICOAS is an international scientific event for cutting-edge organic agriculture research conducted in Central and Eastern Europe.”

But this Organic Policy Summit is not just for scientists. They invite researchers, students, non-government organizations, medical practitioners, and policy makers from around the world to participate and discuss current issues and challenges with organic agriculture. The Sustainable Food Summit is coming up this June also and will be offering exciting news about Organic Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ Certified, eco-labeling, and much, much more!

How Does This Apply To Me?

From the clothes we wear to the cosmetics and skin care products we use, we are all affecting and affected by our impact on the world. There are many opportunities to learn and grow in our understanding of how we affect the world around us. Not just the environment, but how we affect each other. Living an organic lifestyle includes living an honest lifestyle and connecting with others. The next gathering of great minds, thrilling discussions, and exciting new ideas at BIOFACH will be February 2016 and Sustainable Food Summit is in June 2015! Many of these meetings, fairs, and summits may be out reach for the average American – but you can still familiarize yourself with these events and star urging your lawmakers to attend them! One important issue is labeling. Our labels must be honest – everyone deserves to know where their food and other products come from and what they contain. By petitioning or writing to your local representatives, legislature, and lawmakers and asking them to attend these summits, you can encourage them to learn about the organic community. More importantly, you can encourage them to find ways of implementing change here at home. Start a dialogue with your local government and be voice for your family and for your community.

Applications & Resources for the Organic Community

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. We are proud members of the organic community. We encourage those who wish to educate themselves on safer, chemical-free living. Find out for yourself how enriching it can be to live organically and toxin-free. Feel free to read through our articles and posts and check out our links.