hempControversial Cannabis

There are many naturally occurring, organic substances in the world that can seem to be a double edge sword. It’s not the item itself that is the problem. All too often humankind’s use (or abuse) of it that can render it as offensive, a menace, a nuisance, or too dangerous. Contrary to what you may think, hemp is not the THC producing marijuana plant. However, both hemp and the drug marijuana come from the same SPECIES of the cannabis plant. Often they are thought of as being the same when in fact – they are very different.

What is Hemp Really?

As one of the oldest sustainable crops recorded, dating back at least 10,000 years, hemp has a rich history even in the U.S. During WWII, hemp farmers were granted exemption from military service because hemp products were crucial to the war effort! It is little wonder when you consider all that hemp has to offer. Throughout history, hemp has been used for textiles, clothing, food, building materials, and many more items such as:

  • Paint
  • Concrete
  • Jewelry
  • Biofuel Products
  • Beauty Products
  • Rope
  • Furniture
  • Flooring
  • Toilet Paper
  • And more…

With so many uses and a shockingly short growing time (12-14 weeks), it is curious that it was later passed as illegal to grow right alongside the drug version of cannabis! Hemp could effectively replace 4.1 acres of trees for making paper. The sad reality is that it was easier to lump the whole group species together, than to try to separate the industrial hemp from the marijuana growers who wanted to hide their illegal practices among the crops. The two plants were too much alike to the common individual to know the difference.

The Good Hemp News!

The good news is that the United States does recognize that hemp is different. It’s just that law enforcement had a hard enough job, and so it was easier to outlaw growing it within the U.S. This means you can buy hemp products as they become available from other countries. You just have to be careful and make sure they are from a trustworthy source and not cut with something else. Hemp as food has wonderful beneficial properties such as:

  • Omega 3 & 6 (Supports heart, bone, & metabolism health)
  • Essential Amino Acids (Cell Building Blocks!)
  • High Protein (Helps regulate blood sugar and keep you satisfied longer)
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Fiber
  • & Vitamins to keep you healthy

Whether you buy hemp seeds, flour, milk, oil, or use hemp as a protein powder to add to your morning smoothies – hemp is a sustainable crop that you should support. If you want to limit your animal products and find a good source of protein among other great health benefits, hemp is a good place to start.

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