Organic Living Body & Home

What does organic living really mean? To many it means using Earth-friendly alternatives to harsh chemicals and fertilizers. It also means using all-natural products like organic cotton, linen and wool for textile uses. It means incorporating native plants into your landscape and using what grows natural in your specific area.

 A Personal Choice – Without Condemnation

The point is that every effort to live a natural lifestyle free from harsh chemicals that can harm your environment is a step in the right direction. There is no club where you will gain in rank for being more organically minded than your neighbor is. Each person does their best to live according to their personal conviction without condemnation from each other. Through compassion, constant learning and seeking and by gaining balance in our lives we grow into an organic lifestyle. To that end, let us explore what living organic means in general:

  • Using fresh ingredients instead of processed ones, consuming foods grown without pesticides, chemicals or antibiotics and growth hormones – It means foods that are grown and produced in their most natural state. Whole Foods
  • For some, it means using natural or herbal remedies for common ailments. By reducing your dependence on pharmaceuticals, and instead using herbs that our past generations depended on, your body can heal itself.
  • Detoxifying the body is another aspect in organic living. Lemon juice taken at the first sign of a cold, for instance, reduces the symptoms. Ginger root steeped in hot water as a tea is good for an upset stomach and also cleanses the blood.
  • Beyond food, organic living means using cleaning products that don’t contain toxic chemicals. Baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are all products that clean well but aren’t harmful to you or the environment. iGOZEN also has an all-natural Everyday Cleaner that is organic and 100% chemical-free. There are other products out there that may free you from the dangers of mass produced chemical cleaners.
  • Cotton fabric for clothing can be made from organically grown cotton.
  • Many manufacturers produce shampoos, lotions and other body care products that contain petrochemicals. There are many other chemicals to avoid in body care including Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Sulfates are very bad for you and can cause all kinds of allergic reactions. You can find a list of harmful chemicals that are often added to these types of products at:

Earth-Friendly is Organic Living

If you are striving to live your life in an Earth-friendly manner, and you are being mindful of supporting the organic farmer whenever you can – then you are living organically. Each step you make in the right direction brings us closer to a chemical-free tomorrow.

Applications & Resources

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. We believe in balance and harmony. When these two things can be achieved in a person’s life, then that individual can find perfection. You can find balance while living your organic lifestyle and live a stress-free life. We hope you are enjoying our posts and articles. Feel free to leave us a message on our contact page.