People are beginning to realize that how they live their lives has a major impact on the planet. This can be especially true during the holidays when mass consumption is extremely tempting even to the most eco-friendly members of a community. Luckily, there are a variety of ways to keep holiday decorating as green as possible when it comes to a family’s holiday tree.

Real vs. Artificial Trees

There are positives and negatives to both of these two Christmas tree options. Real trees may be covered in pesticides which are then brought into the home. Not only that, they cut down a real growing tree that are often not from managed forests and travel long distances to reach their final destination where it is only used for a few weeks. However, they are extremely easy to recycle, completely biodegradable and if they are organically grown, completely natural. Artificial trees often use a variety of chemicals, cannot be recycled and use limited natural resources. However, they can be used year after year and passed to another family once one family is done with it.

Other Options

Although not very popular yet, there are other options to having a cut tree or a plastic tree in the home during the holiday season. Real trees can be potted and moved outdoors when the short holiday season is over. In this way, the same real tree can be used again and again without having to worry about any waste. The tree will continue to grow over time and will need to be placed in bigger pots over time. It will also need to be replaced eventually as it gets too big to bring inside. There are a few companies that are even offering rental services for potted live Christmas trees in some areas. Trees can also be fashioned out of other materials such as cardboard for the look of a tree without any waste.


Families who choose to have a cut tree for their seasonal celebrations also have the option of planting another tree in its place. In this way, the tree that has been used for the holidays is replaced with another different tree. The family can be guilt free over the holiday season with the cut tree in the home and even use the tree as garden mulch once the New Year arrives. Planting a tree in place of this tree can either be a family activity or be hired out to a company instead that will plant a tree for the family.

Eco-Friendly Ornaments

Regardless of what kind of tree is chosen, eco-friendly ornaments can be used to help make the family’s celebrations greener. Decorations can be made out of recycled materials such as pop cans, corks, recycled paper or used cardboard. There are many websites with tutorials available to make the most amazing creations simply by utilizing what is in a recycle bin. Another way to make ornaments earth friendly is to use all natural components to decorate the tree. Things such as pine-cones  walnut shells, cranberries and popcorn can be a great way to decorate a tree. After the tree is dismantled, some of these items can even be used to feed the birds. The holidays can be enjoyed by even the most environmentally conscious people with a few small changes to be as respectful to the planet as possible. There are a variety of different ways to incorporate a tree into the festivities without having to worry about the global consequences of the practice.