Los Angeles, California USA

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As a student of living zen and discovering a more balanced lifestyle, I have realized the importance of having very clean food preparation spaces as part of creating healthy meals. Countertops and cutting boards – everywhere food will touch –...
Before I give you the recipe for the best green bean casserole of all time, I will take a moment to tell you why you should eat green bean casserole and why you want to make sure you get your...
Every now and then we get a customer story that has nothing to do with cleaning fruit, vegetables or anything in the house. But that’s just one of the benefits of having a neutral cleaner like iGOZEN.Because of it’s alkaline...
Yesterday, my daughter’s club was holding a car wash at the local high school parking lot, so I decided to bring the kids an ice chest full of refreshing soft drinks. By the end of the day, all the dirt...
Occasionally customers send in a random use of iGOZEN that we never thought of before. While iGOZEN was never intended for medical use, it does seem to have a positive effect on a variety of ailments. We’ll leave the discovery...
   These days there’s so many products at the supermarket, it’s hard not to glaze over and just get my usual trusted brands. Although I have to admit, I am finding less and less items at the big brand stores that...
Why does iGOZEN provide microfine powders and reusable plastic bottles?  Why can’t we just be like everyone else and put our cleaning solution in a bottle, ship it to a store where you can pick it up and take it...
Today I decided to help one of my family members clean their car and I knew it was going to be a difficult feat. This car has not been properly cleaned for AT LEAST two years and you can’t even...
Occasionally we’ve had a confession or two come our way. These confessions come from Moms who went rogue-organic (wild, and unpredictable.) Some were former toxic chemical cleaner addicts who quit cold turkey and and had nervous breakdowns until brought back...
“My friend’s doctor is certain her leukemia is caused by the herbicides being sprayed on farms near her home.” Here at iGOZEN, we are touched by these kinds of stories every day. Perhaps you too, have known someone with an...