gardening cactus Our ancestors ate what they could hunt, gather, or grow. But we are definitely not our ancestors, and our bodies have adapted to the present day – where you can buy food whenever you need. However, eating locally grown produce not only supports your well-being, but also your local organic community. But what if you don’t live in a farming community?

I Can’t Garden — I Killed a Cactus!

Okay, you may not see yourself as a gardener. Perhaps your green thumb is brown. You can still grow food yourself; it doesn’t even matter where you live! It’s a wonderful thing to support local organic farmers, but we don’t all live where we can access a farmers market. Did you know tomatoes grow well in flowerpots? Did you know herbs can grow on your kitchen counter and, if properly harvested, will just keep producing? Did you know kale will grow in snow? Did you know you can easily create a watering system you can forget about?

It’s True!

Even with extremely limited space you can grow the produce that you use on a regular basis. If you really want to be industrious you can grow produce and offer it to your neighbors! Maybe start a little urban farm stand. Window boxes are great places for bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and herbs. Even a 5 gallon bucket can be used if you want to grow some potatoes! A simple grow light in a basement apartment can help you keep your own little garden. Not only are these plants producers – they’re decorative too! Heirloom tomatoes come in all sorts of colors and there are many types of lettuces that are very pretty. You would be growing food for yourself while also creating a more living space. Plants give off oxygen and can actually help to clean the air in your home!

But, I Killed a Cactus!

Don’t worry if you feel your green thumb has died along with your houseplants. In this day and age most people have smart phones. You can set a reminder to water your plants. However, there are things like decorative glass globes that you fill with water and stick in your soil. When the plant needs water the globe releases it. You can find them at your local gardening store. Then you just set a reminder every couple weeks to refill your globe. Find out which plants are easiest to grow and can take a little forgetfulness on their gardeners’ part. Certain plants are hardier than others. There are even self-watering pots! Practice makes perfect! After a short time, you will be harvesting your own food and be the envy of your urban neighbors. You can do it! By learning to be more self-reliant you will also know exactly what goes into or on your food.

Gardening Applications & Resources

iGOZEN is a standard for living well. Learning to live toxic-free and organic can seem like a daunting task. We hope that by being a part of the iGOZEN community we have made this journey easier for you. Check out our iGOZEN Fruit/Veg Wash or our Everyday Cleaner for all your chemical-free household needs.