Los Angeles, California USA


We have been doing some interesting tests of iGOZEN™, Simply Clean these days and I would llike to share with you one of the recent responses from our sample test of the iGOZEN Everyday Cleaner: “It’s nice to have a...
Green Living Tips from EWGHave you heard of the Environmental Working Group, or EWG? A friend of mine recommended a handy chart they publish on their website that helps people avoid pesticide-laden foods as well as choose the foods with the lowest...
There are a lot of ways to balance your life and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. Over time, I’ve found so many things I wish I had done differently for my entire life, but never even thought of....
I have a colleague who confided to me that she was feeling torn between her young son and her job. She said she ought to spend more quality time with him, especially since he was just growing up. She feared...
The world is a tough place for the animals, plants and waterways right now because of so much pollution.  Here at iGOZEN we are doing all we can to help by providing NEW patented, green organic cleaning products that are...
If you’re like me, your day is a nonstop schedule of work, family, friends, and more. With so much happening, it can be incredibly difficult to find ways to balance your life with eco-conscious living....
During my childhood, my family was somewhat health-conscious, but we did not take it seriously. When I started high school, my family began to eat more organic and natural food. I ate several pieces of fruit every day and switched...
Turn off the phone, the television the internet, the magazines, coupons and mail And take a moment to look at your loved one &  breathe Enjoy the pleasure of cleaning organically with iGOZEN...
Igozen has so many uses. One of my favorite is to wash my tea leaves.  Obviously, the tea leaves are going to be soaked in boiling water, so one may wonder why I would wash my tea leaves prior to steeping. There’s...
Every now and then we get a customer story that has nothing to do with cleaning fruit, vegetables or anything in the house. But that’s just one of the benefits of having a neutral cleaner like iGOZEN.Because of it’s alkaline...