ADHD Pesticides In the past few years, the number of children being diagnosed with ADHD has skyrocketed. It is also being diagnosed at much younger ages than ever before. While many people are unsure of what causes the condition to develop, others are certain that there may in fact be a link between the development of the condition and the amount of pesticide products that children are exposed to in the fresh foods they eat.

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Where Exposure Takes Place

Although it has been stated that children who live on commercial farms may be at a higher risk of being diagnosed with ADHD, this is certainly not the only cause for the increase in diagnoses. In most instances, children are being exposed to extremely high levels of pesticides each time they consume commercially-grown fruits and vegetables. While many parents wash fresh produce prior to letting their children eat it, there is no way to ensure that all traces of pesticide are removed in this manner.

Effects of Organophosphates on the Body

Organophosphates are the most common form of chemical pesticide used on produce. Although they can usually be eliminated from an adults’ body fairly rapidly, they can have negative effects on a child’s neurological development. Studies have shown that for every 10% increase in the presence of organophosphates in a child’s urine, the chance of them developing ADHD at some stage in their childhood increases by a staggering 55%. This in itself should encourage parents to purchase organic produce wherever possible.

Reducing Your Child’s Risk of Developing ADHD

In order to help reduce the possibility of ADHD in your child, it is essential to reduce their exposure to these harmful toxins as much as possible. One of the best ways to achieve this is to not only wash all produce prior to preparation, but also to select as many organic products as possible when doing your shopping. Owing to the fact that this may be prohibitively expensive for some families, the next best option would be to ensure that as many fruits and vegetables as possible are thoroughly washed and peeled before being eaten.

Eat in-Season Produce

Another crucial element in reducing pesticide exposure would be to get to know your local organic farmers. Purchasing in-season fruits and vegetables from them will help ensure that your child is not consuming harmful pesticides while enjoying their favorite fruits and veggies. While many people think that it is essential to consume different types of produce all year round in order to enjoy a balanced diet, this is not true. In fact, our ancestors only ate seasonally and locally, yet they were far healthier than our generation ever will be. One of the best ways to prepare your freshly-purchased produce for consumption is by washing it with an organic food wash product. This will help remove any potential contaminants, and ensure that your food tastes great. Taking the necessary precautions with your fresh produce will help reduce your child’s chances of developing ADHD and requiring potentially harmful chemical medication in order to manage the condition. Image Source: MSNBC