This is the first part of my story as a student of living zen and how IGOZEN (I-go-zen) came to be.Being a student of Living Zen
In 2011 I met one of the most influential women of my life. I call her Jujube, which is also the name of a beautiful Chinese flower. At that time, IGOZEN products had not been created.

Jujube showed me how to meditate by being aware of the present moment. I discovered I can find this awareness while working, walking, singing or even dancing. Zen is very simple because this is all it is.  It’s not a belief or even an idea or a religion. It is just the action of living in the present.
As I write more for you, I will tell you my story with Jujube and all we have learned as students of living zen and our development of IGOZEN products for a cleaner, healthier home.