1-vegan-livingOrganic, But Why?

Perhaps you have been wondering if organic products are healthier or more beneficial than conventionally grown products. The truth is that it depends on whom you ask and which product you are referring. If you ask a scientist that is pro-GMO he will tell you that GMO products are no different. If you ask someone that has dedicated their lives to living an organic lifestyle, they will tell you they feel healthier, are sick less, and feel a difference in their life than before. They will also tell you they feel better knowing they are preserving their environment. However, someone else who is living with conventionally grown or produced products may have a similar argument – and so it goes round. So, what is with organics? Is it all just hype?

It’s Organic, So It’s Good – Right?

Wrong – maybe. It comes down to a few different factors. Just because something is organic does not make it better for you. Just like something that says “Gluten-free” doesn’t’ mean fat-free or good for you, but that is for another post. It all comes down to the label and how it was produced or grown. Are sustainable practices used in the growing, harvesting, and producing of the product or food item? Are all the ingredients organic? Are all the ingredients healthy? You still have to use your good judgment and common sense.

Organic Can Be Safer!

However, organic food can help protect you and your loved ones from toxic pesticides and herbicides found on conventionally grown fruit and vegetables.

  • More nutritious?

The chemicals used in weed and pest control do end up in our soil and eventually into our food. New research has shown that some organic produce can be lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants than produce grown non-organically.

  • Pesticide-Free

Organically grown produce growers use insect traps or predator insects as well as disease-resistant varieties of plants to control pests. Scientists are now discovering that even low doses of pesticides threaten our wellbeing. These pesticides are hormone disrupters that tamper with the body’s natural weight-loss chemistry and ability to fight disease!

  • No Preservatives

Organic regulations restrict the use of food additives such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colorings, and flavorings as well as monosodium glutamate. Food was not meant to last for months on your counter unless it had been preserved by canning the old-fashioned way! Not with toxic preservatives that have been linked to obesity and other health related issues.

  • Environment Friendly

To become certified, an organic farmer is regulated by strict guidelines that reduce pollution and conserves water and soil quality.

  • Food Quality (Taste!)

Those who have switched to organic fruits and vegetables know that organic fruits taste sweeter than conventionally grown produce.

  • Preserve Animal Habitats

Organic farming supports sustainable practices that also support the preservation of habitats by not polluting the environment and creating toxic run-off

  • Supports Local Farms

Buying organic produce from your local farmer’s market or farm stand supports the economy in your area and your environment. The benefits of going organic can far outweigh the slightly higher cost of the foods. With the higher quality food, your body will feel fuller longer, and you may actually find your grocery bill isn’t as high in the long run as it had been. Switching to an organic lifestyle is a personal decision, and the benefits are personal. Take the plunge and talk to your local organic community. See how going chemical-free can impact your life.

Applications & Resources

iGozen is a philosophy and a way of life. We strive every day to apply Zen principles to everything we do including making chemical-free organic products that you can feel confident to bring into your home. We hope you enjoy our articles and encourage you to try a chemical-free cleaner or food wash like iGOZEN.