flu Is it the Flu?

The influenza virus causes the flu. It is extremely contagious and attacks the respiratory system. The influenza A or B virus often causes it but there are many strains. When you have it – you hardly care what strain at that point. You just want it gone. The flu can be more dangerous than the cold. In some cases, the flu can lead to life-threatening pneumonia. The symptoms of the flu can include:

  • Chest congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Weakness
  • Fever

Some Home Remedies

The flu often is mistaken for a severe cold, so many home remedies can work for both. The key is prevention with a healthy lifestyle – but even then, we are all capable of becoming ill. From there you simply start treatment at the first sign of sickness. If symptoms get worse, always consult a doctor to see if something more serious.

  1. Plenty of Fluids – Make this your first priority! Staying hydrated is the single most important thing you can do with any sickness. Dehydration can make your situation go from a simple ailment to dangerous quickly. Fluids, especially hot ones, can help breakup congestion. Those dry painful coughs become more productive.
  1. Salt water – Think ocean water, homemade saline nasal washes thin the mucus in your nasal passages. This keeps the respiratory passages moist. The salt helps wash out any pathogens. You can use it as a gargle to reduce inflammation to relieve a sore throat and to help as a cleanse.
  1. Steam – Steam can help alleviate stuffiness and congestion especially at night when it can get hard to sleep. It is also great for when you feel stiff and achy. Boiling water and carefully pouring some into a bowl, then placing a towel over your head while you breathe in the vapors, can offer relief. Another option is to inhale the steam from a hot shower. Add fresh ginger, eucalyptus or menthol to the water and breathe deep. You can use humidifier as well – just be very careful because both can cause serious burns.
  1. Blow your nose The Right Way!– Pressure can build up in your head if you try to clear both nostrils at once and can add damaging pressure to your eardrums! You can also push that nasty pathogen filled mucus into the ear leading to an infection. Close one side of your nose at a time and blow out one nostril. Repeat on the other side
  1. Sleep– It doesn’t sound like much but you’d be surprised how many people keep working when they are ill and only get worse. Rest gives the body a chance to repair itself and boost the immune system.
  1. Chicken soup is a soul food! – Whether it’s your grandmother’s recipe or your favorite organic variety from the market, it works. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can boost your immunity, soothe a sore throat and help thin nasal secretions. And it’s comfort food!
  1. Suppliment – Supplements like zinc or Echinacea might help. Echinacea is an herbaceous plant that has immune boosting qualities. Zinc has shown to help fight off colds, but also prevents them as well.
  1. Gargle with an Added Boost – If you suffer from a sore throat through it all, gargle with warm water and sage, turmeric or salt water. Gargling with raspberry leaf tea can also help reduce a fever and it is a natural source of trace amounts of vitamin C.

Last but not least, love your neighbor and wash your hands often. Breaking the cycle of contamination will help rid your body, your home, and your friends and family of common ailments. While you’re at it wash your veggies with a veggie wash too – cross-contamination can happen anywhere! Applications & Resources