Iraw honey Know Raw Honey is Good for Me But How Do I Use It?

In a previous blog post we noted the wonderful properties of raw honey. The most essential aspect is that your honey is organic and raw. So, you’ve now bought the right honey – but how do you use it? How do you keep it raw? Honey that has been heated above 105 degrees is no longer considered raw. Others have noted that heating it above just 50 degrees already damages some of its valuable properties. When cooking, baking, or enjoying an extra hot tea in the winter, raw honey may not be the best alternative.

When not to use raw honey…

Organic raw honey is still great when you need something sweet. However, now that you have paid a little extra for all the great properties of raw honey, you don’t want to waste money by ruining it. Heating raw honey puts it on par with simple organic honey. (Still, organic is better than other sweeteners.) You can replace conventional sweeteners in any recipe with honey to give yourself a healthier alternative. If you want to use your raw honey without overheating it, you can use it for smoothies, over toast and pancakes, drizzle it over your oatmeal, or simply enjoy a spoonful.

Other Uses for Raw Honey

The Organic Prepper has many good uses for raw honey besides just sweetening your breakfast. For example: Raw honey mixed with cinnamon taken three times a day can ward off a cold or sore throat and boost the immune system. Some say a teaspoon of honey taken before bed can help with nighttime wetting. Honey mixed with equal parts coconut oil makes for a fabulous skin conditioner treatment! There are tons of everyday uses for raw honey that will improve your quality of life!  

Applications & Resources

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. We want you to be able to live as healthy as possible. As we learn more about organic living we try to pass on this knowledge through our blogs and posts. Helping you live a more toxic-free lifestyle helps everyone live in peace and balance. Find your way to a chemical-free world through our Fruit/Veg Wash, Everyday Cleaner, or iGOZEN’s Meat/Fish wash.