don't panicCould pH Balance Make a Difference?

If you have ever had a panic attack then you understand how intense they can be. A panic attack is an overwhelming, debilitating, and intense feeling of fear. It can come on suddenly, without warning, and can leave a person feeling drained. However, there is good news! Researchers may have found a link between pH balance, anxiety disorders, and panic attacks.

What Is A Panic Attack?

A person who is having a panic attack can experience the following symptoms during an attack:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe anxiety
  • Chest or arm pain
  • Numbness in fingers (extremities) or “pins and needles”
  • Paralysis (usually only in part of their body not all over)

Panic attacks usually run in families. Once someone has experienced a panic attack they never forget it. It’s a horrible ordeal and is usually associated with an anxiety disorder. What if you could reduce the number of panic attacks you experienced by controlling your pH?

An Acidic Brain?

There was a study conducted in Iowa which was able to find a connection between lactic acid in our brains and a fear response. Lactic acid is a type of acid that is naturally produced and processed while our bodies create energy. Our pH is constantly adjusting and readjusting during this process. The Iowa study found that with a buildup of lactic acid in our brains, a fear response can be triggered. Specifically, they noted a connection when it “reduced brain pH” it “evoked fear behavior.” One reason this study is so interesting, is because people who struggle with anxiety disorders also produce a lot of lactic acid! Which lowers the pH and (we are now learning) could be a trigger to panic attacks.

What Now?

Our bodies make lactic acid when we are under stress or feeling negative. But all is not lost! Our body can heal and rid itself of lactic acid. With this new knowledge researchers can continue to unravel the connection between pH and possibly other mental health issues. Perhaps there are other links we have yet to discover! While this is not a cure for an anxiety disorder, exercise has been proven to help the body to process lactic acid. It has also been proven to decrease the number of panic attacks someone may experience. If you suffer with panic attacks, know there is hope! If you have never suffered with a panic attack, then perhaps this article can help you to bring hope to someone else. If nothing else, we’re learning that pH plays a much larger role in our lives than chemical-free food washes and cleaners.

Applications & Resources

FOR YOU: Mental illness of any kind is a struggle and nothing to be ashamed of. At times, it can feel like wading through mud. If you have been under a doctor’s care, good! That is great that you have found something that works for you. There is no shame in finding what helps you and works for you. If you don’t feel comfortable with a traditional path and want to try a more holistic approach – that is good too! The idea is to find balance and hope where you can. Do not make any drastic changes to your health routine because you read an article somewhere. Talk to your healthcare provider and be informed. May you find your peace and know that you are not alone. Keep seeking. Keep on-keeping on!

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. We hope you find our articles and posts insightful. As we learn new things we like to pass them on to you. We are all unique and have our own joys and struggles. Keep looking for balance and discover new and wonderful ways to bring life into your organic journey. Help keep your environment pH balanced with pH balanced chemical-free products too!