organic-food-beaufort-herban-marketplaceAll-Natural Pro & Prebiotics

Your not a stranger to eating healthy. However, for some people living in colder climates unless you have had the opportunity to preserve your organic produce – your about to struggle a bit. All the more reason to make sure your ready for a possible change in your dietary needs. All-natural chemical-free foods become all that much more important. Prebiotics are often overlooked while probiotics take a front seat. However, balance brings harmony to your wellbeing!

 Get Ready For the Cold

Comfort foods, as it turns out may be not only be good for the soul but also your intestinal flora! Well, maybe not all comfort foods are gut healthy but thankfully there are some that are. When we start talking about intestinal flora and gut health most people begin to think about probiotics. Probiotics are very important to keep your digestive system running smoothly and has a major impact on your overall wellness.

What are Probiotics Again?

Probiotics are live active cultures in your gut that keep the bad bacteria at bay. They are actually “good” bacteria! When your body is in balance probiotics are the hard working army that are known to boost your immunity and can even make you feel more vibrant. You can boost your probiotics by eating fermented foods like:

  • Organic yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut
  • Miso, etc..

What about Prebiotics?

Probiotics are a wonderful necessity however like any good building you need a solid foundation. This is where prebiotics comes into play. Prebiotics builds a foundation that creates the perfect environment for the good bacteria to live and flourish. Without something for the probiotics to “feed” on they may not be able to really find a good anchor. You most likely eat prebiotics every day and don’t even realize it! Foods rich in prebiotics are:

  • bananas
  • onions
  • garlic & leeks
  • asparagus
  • artichokes
  • and more!

Taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones really is a year-round task. Different seasons can make it harder to obtain fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless, you can find ways to supplement and keep your inner flora healthy and preserve your intestinal health for when you can’t or don’t make the most healthy food decisions. Perk up your gut health and grab a banana then about 20 minutes later hit something on the probiotic list!

Applications & Resources

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. Our bodies function best when in balance and harmony within and with the environment all around us. This is why we focus on providing balance in our products by keeping all iGOZEN products organic and chemical-free. Try a sample of the Fruit/Veg Wash or the Everyday Cleaner for all yoru cleansing needs.