pregnancy New Life & Pure Food

Pregnancy is a time of new life, excitement, and a bit of nervous anticipation. It should be a time of joy when the parent(s) can focus on what to put into the nursery, and not whether or not toxins are reaching their unborn little one! With advice starting to come at you from every angle it is helpful to know what to listen to and what is optional. How does an organic diet affect your health and that of your unborn baby? What are risks with conventionally grown food? Is there a way to measure these risks to know for sure?

Where to Begin?

You want the very best start for your little one. As a mother, you want to be as healthy as possible before, during, and after your pregnancy. As her partner, you want her to be healthy and happy and to have everything you can provide. Trying to live 100% organic when you have not been raised this way can be especially costly and difficult. So where should you begin? With all the advice from friends, family, and that random woman in the checkout line – how important is going all-organic anyway?

A New Helpful Study Begins!

Boise State University researcher Cynthia Curl is back with yet another study that may prove helpful for the organic community! This time, assistant professor Cynthia Curl is piloting a study to understand the effect on cognitive outcomes in children when mothers consume organic foods during pregnancy. Every time someone in the organic community publishes an article about how organic products provide health benefits, someone else publishes an article that the data is lacking to support these claims. We know of course from firsthand experience the many benefits of living an organic lifestyle. However, until now not many researchers have been able to dedicate the time and money to conduct the studies to grab the attention of the USDA.

A New Dawn

While this study will not give us all the data needed to answer all the questions in this post, it will lay the groundwork for a much larger study in the future. The research team will be studying 10 pregnant women who have never before had an organic diet. So the research will be based on a fresh start for these woman and their unborn babies. The future study this will help to foster will include many more woman and follow the children up to 2 years of age. The hope is to identify any cognitive performance differences that may be attributed to the maternal diet during pregnancy. This is far from a cure-all, but it is refreshing to see fresh faces in the study of organic food and our wellbeing!

Applications & Resources

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. New life is so exciting and you should never have to question the safety of your family. We strive to bring you only organic nontoxic and kid-friendly products. Even the little ones can help in the kitchen or around the house! Try our Fruit/Veg Wash and you will never have to worry about what may have touched your organic veggies!