download (1)Organic Spring Cleaning

Sometimes it’s fun to browse through past posts. It’s even helpful to me to have a reminder about how important it is to maintain an organic lifestyle in every part of life. In a post from March 2013 titled: Organic Green Cleaning Tips for a Safer Home we highlighted the importance of cleaning with safe organic cleaners, and what to look for in a cleaner. March is here and with it comes spring!

Surface Cleaners, Air Cleaners, & Food Cleaners – Oh My!

The 2013 post highlighted concerns that are still alive and well today. After you have thrown open the sash on that first hint of a warm day, you begin the thorough spring cleaning and scrubbing. There are so many surfaces to clean, cushions to fluff, rugs to air out, and the usual meal preps throughout the day. With so many areas to clean, it’s easy to overlook other important surfaces that may need attention. We have to keep in mind all the little places we may not think about. For example:

  • pet cubbies
  • light switches
  • phone receivers (it goes right against your face)
  • ice trays (often reused without a good washing)
  • keyboards
  • touch screens
  • door knobs
  • book jackets (only if they have a plastic cover obviously)
  • and even door jambs to name a few

You would be surprised how many people touch the sides of doorways!

Earth, Pet, & Children Friendly

In the flurry of herding dust bunnies from under your sofa, have you given much thought to where all those cleaners ultimately end up? Can your little ones help with the chores or do you have to usher them outside for their safety? If your puppy licks the surface you are cleaning and you haven’t rinsed it, could he or she become ill? There are a lot of questions we have to consider when choosing our cleaners. Labels that say “All-Natural” are not always organic, and labels that say “Organic” are not always 100 % safe for children and pets. Even nature sometimes has harsh ingredients that can irritate skin or be potentially harmful to pets and small children. This is why it is so important that we read our labels. If it’s not safe for Fluffy you may want to reconsider. We want to be able to pass on our organic lifestyle to the next generation. In order to do this we should be able to include them in every aspect of our lives. Children like to be helpful and we should encourage them to participate whenever we can. Fortunately, there are products like iGOZEN that are Earth, pet, and child friendly. You won’t have to worry about where these cleaners end up once they are rinsed down the drain, or if you have rinsed them away well enough. Your little one can help with the spring cleaning and Fluffy can lick his or her heart out.

Applications & Resources for Organic Cleaning

iGOZEN is a philosophy and a way of life. We are proud members of the organic community. We encourage those who wish to educate themselves on safer, chemical-free living. Find out for yourself how enriching it can be to live organically and toxin-free. Feel free to read through our articles and posts and check out our links.