Maintaining A Green Home Many people spend a lot of their time trying to ensure that their backyard and garden are organic, and trying to avoid bringing any toxins into their lives, and the lives of their children. Which is great! But it doesn’t mean that your home life is organic –because they become so focused with the outdoors, many people miss what’s going on inside. Our skin is very delicate, and because of its porous nature, it will absorb many things with which it comes into contact. That means the kitchen cleaner you use just as much as the morning sunlight that shines on your face. That means that you should try your utmost to avoid cleaners that contain dangerous chemicals within your home. And yet, surprisingly, a large number of them actually contain chemicals that even in small doses can be dangerous. What Your Skin Takes In A study has shown that during a normal, twenty four hour day, your skin can absorb over one hundred and fifty completely different kinds of toxic chemicals. That is just too much! But thankfully, you can significantly decrease this number by creating a green home – i.e., by replacing the products that you may have been using for years with something that is as easy on your home, your skin, and your family as it is tough on bacteria. Can a Green Home be a Clean Home? Many people are concerned about using green cleaning products within their home. They worry that these products will simply not be as effective as the “industrial-type” cleaners that they generally use. In some cases, this is true. However, the right green cleaners can sometimes even be more effective than the conventional variety. And, by bringing in green cleaners, you can restore a natural balance within your home, rather than just substituting one dangerous chemical for another. You may notice that, if you or your family suffers from sensitive skin, or are prone to allergies or colds, your symptoms will probably lessen after using a green cleaner. This is because the irritants of both the bacteria and the toxic cleaner will be removed, and all you’ll be left with is organic calm. There are many good green cleaners on the market today, but we obviously think very highly of the Everyday Cleaner that we sell here on iGOZEN. The Everyday Cleaner is specifically designed to be organic and green, bringing nothing toxic and unwelcome into your home – whilst also removing bacteria and other unwanted guests. It works on all surfaces, including metal, wood, stone, or plastic, and can have a positive impact on your family’s health. Perfect for the mom who doesn’t have the time to switch between a million different products. Tying it Together Maintaining a green home does not (thankfully!) have to be complicated. It does not have to be expensive, and it does not have to be at the expense of cleanliness. All it takes is a couple of changes – either using our iGOZEN products or any other well-researched and effective equivalent – and the inside of your home can be just as green and natural as your garden. Try it For Yourself iGOZEN is a movement and a philosophy of living. We seek peace in every aspect of our lives and harmonious relations with our environment. We want to share our trials, tribulations and triumphs with other like-minded individuals through our articles. We believe that making the world a better place to live takes just one step at a time. That one step can be implementing an idea from the article you read, or it can be your decision to try chemical-free iGOZEN fruit and vegetable wash or eco-friendly cleaner. As long as you are in action and in balance, you are walking the iGOZEN path.