Healthy HalloweenHalloween is The Season To Be Extra Vigilant

Many people are taking this time of year to prepare for the holidays. Halloween in particular is a time to remember how to be a kid again! Those who celebrate dress up in costumes and make-up – but for those wishing to maintain their toxic-free lifestyle, this can be a trying time.

Adult-Safe…But Not Kid-Safe?

You may not celebrate one of these holidays but there are many other events you could attend where you may use some costume make-up. It’s important to note that when something is labeled as ‘safe’ most companies have only tested these products to be generally safe for an adult to use. The FDA has banned nine ingredients cosmetic companies are not allowed to use, but they don’t require any further testing!  During Halloween most of the costume makeup is actually target marketed to children even though it has never been tested. Do you really want to risk your health on something that is safe for some people but not others? Those with serious allergies or people who wish to have a toxin-free life can find this time of year difficult. One scary thought is that some of these cosmetics may be labeled non-toxic but have been exposed to or derived from nut products. This is very frightening when you think of all the people that will come in contact with this product, directly or indirectly, that are allergic to nuts. (Almond oil is a common base for many cosmetics.)

Why Not Get Truly Creative This Halloween!

One website, known as The Smart Mama, has come up with great alternatives to the mass produced store bought Halloween makeup. There is also a wealth of information on worrisome ingredients that companies who make Halloween makeup add to keep the cosmetics cheap. It is very alarming! Rather than putting your health or your kids’ health at risk, you can have some fun! Taking a little time to make your own makeup is both fun and educational. Did you know that beets, (yes the red beet that stains your hands, counters, and cutting boards), will make great lip stain! All you have to do is slice a red beet and apply. Wait for it to dry and you have red lips! Cornstarch is great for coloring your hair grey and  corn syrup will make fake blood or anything you want to look oozy. You can use vegan gelatin to make “skin” for prosthetic add-ons. Try using a wig rather than dyeing your hair – or you can use powdered drink mixes or jello instead. Just remember those jello and powdered drink mixes still are not great for your body due to the dyes. With a little creativity and thought you can have a worry-free, toxin-free holiday! Have fun!  

Halloween Applications & Resources

  • Check out what one “green” parent has found for safe costume makeup
  • Find some safer, organic, and even vegan makeup alternatives here
  • Here is the link to Smart Mama in case you missed it
  • Try making your own costume makeup. It can be a memorable experience for you and your little one or simply fun with friends!
iGOZEN is a way of life and a philosophy. Keeping your life simple and as pure as possible is our first priority. There are so many reasons to celebrate this life. We should not have to worry about the toxins, chemicals, and unsafe products out there. Try our iGOZEN Everyday Cleaner to keep your home chemical-free. We want you to be worry-free to enjoy your family and friends.