Happiness-is-a-choice-bucket-list-lifeWe Only Live Once!

Making every moment the best it can be by discovering how to live a happier life can seem like an obvious solution. Nevertheless, it really is that simple. Life will not stop and allow you to orchestrate perfect moments to feel happy. However, you can still live a life where you can make every possible moment count, live a life of no regret, and thus find yourself innately happy. So how do you create this seemingly ideal utopian lifestyle? If it is this simple, why aren’t more people walking around happy?

Becoming Aware

The biggest reason more people are not experiencing a life of happiness is because they are simply not aware. Most people go about their day and focus on getting through their day concerned about basic survival needs. The worries of daily living often weigh an individual down can leave a mind full of negative thoughts and worries by the end of the day. According to an article found in Psychology Today and a more recent article written by David Carnes, the average person has between 25,000 and 50,000 thoughts a day. Imagine if you were to begin to focus on what your thoughts were throughout the day. By becoming aware of whether your thoughts were negative or positive throughout the day, you can learn what your normal tendencies are. As you learn about your thinking habits within the day, you can then make a cognitive effort to change your negative thoughts to positive ones! Cognitive awareness can bring about change. Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the most researched forms of therapy for helping an individual alter not only their behavior, but also their thought process. It’s really that simple!

Living for Each Moment

“Optimism may significantly influence mental and physical well-being by the promotion of a healthy lifestyle as well as by adaptive behaviors and cognitive responses, associated with greater flexibility, problem-solving capacity,” (Optimism…) When you begin learning to focus on positive thinking, otherwise known as constructive thinking, you can begin to live in the moment. Each moment begins to take on a new perspective, and the world seems less hostile. You will have more patience for others and find your choice to be happy has reshaped your perception and overall wellbeing. You can continue being vigilant with your thoughts and find yourself living in each moment more lighthearted. As time goes on you will have less regret. Your life will be based on a positive outlook and looking for people and activities that encourage this new lifestyle!

Applications & Resources

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