Raw_vegan_lunchGoing Veggie

More people realize that the vegetarian lifestyle provides some significant health benefits. According to a 2008 report in Vegetarian Times, 3% American adults, 7.3 million people, follow a vegetarian diet. In fact, celebrities and public figures are standing up and taking notice too. Even American TV personalities like Ellen DeGeneres have been open to sharing the benefits with the public. This public awareness has led to more acceptance of the lifestyle.

Living Vegetarian Lifestyle

Vegetarians are people who choose not to eat meat. As with any way of life, different individuals make different choices. Some may eat seafood. Others might eat eggs and dairy too. The term vegetarian has taken on a very personal meaning. Vegans embrace an all-encompassing approach and do not eat any animal products at all. This means not eating meat, eggs, fish, milk, or cheese. Some also do not eat honey because it is made by bees thus, including anything that is part of or comes from a live animal.

But, Why Live This Way?

There are many benefits to adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. It’s not just about limiting you, but bettering the planet and improving your health. By understanding all there is to offer, you can make the right decisions for yourself. Doctors recommend that people cut back on their meat consumption and eat more vegetables. Those that take steps to go meat-free and embrace a more vegetable-centric diet are finding that not only is their health improving, they’re also finding surprising benefits. Such as:

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced risk of Cancer
  • Reduced risk of Diabetes
  • Healthier hair, skin, and nails
  • Fewer headaches
  • Better sleep & more energy
  • Reduced allergies
  • Better focus
  • Improved eyesight & reduced risk of degenerative eye disease

Environment Benefits

There is a high cost of raising animals for food. Cattle ranching in South America, which has been found to be the second-most environmentally damaging regional industry (coal is the first), is responsible for around $354 billion in damage to the environment every year (Environmental Leader). Deforestation in the United States has contributed to 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in resulting economic damages. This is all in the name of clearing land to raise cattle. Studies have shown that nearly 1/3 of all raw materials and about 50% of the freshwater used in the United States is required to raise animals for food. Farming to supply food for these animals is responsible for the majority of the pollution, and there are estimates that it is responsible for 85% of the soil erosion in the US. It has been reported that livestock produces up to twenty times more waste than the entire human population provides. While this may not be surprising to you, you might not know that twenty-five thousand square miles of trees and rainforest are destroyed for the benefit of ranching. However, you can make a difference! If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would:

  • Save 100 billion gallons of water;
  • Save 70 million gallons of gas;
  • Save 3 million acres of land;
  • Prevent 1.2 million tons of CO2 emissions

Whether you adopt a full vegetarian lifestyle or just vow to reduce your meat consumption, you can easily make a difference in your health and the environment!

Applications & Resources

  • Read more here about the cost of commercial rearing of livestock for meat
  • Find more about the environmental cost here

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