Washing your Fruit

As more people are switching to healthier, organic lifestyles, they are becoming aware of the negative effects that pesticides have on their bodies. One of the most common concerns is determining which fruits are more likely to absorb pesticides. These are the ones that should be thoroughly cleaned with a food wash or even a dedicated fruit wash product before being eaten.

1. Apples

Once again, this fruit has been labeled as one of the worst offenders when it comes to retaining pesticide residue. One reason cited for this is that this fruit is a lot more susceptible to being attacked by pests than many other fruits. While it may be possible to eliminate the majority of pesticide residue if the fruit is peeled, this is not the healthiest option because of the high fiber content that can be found in apple skin.

2. Peaches

It is thought that the soft, fuzzy skin on most varieties of peaches enables them to absorb a higher amount of pesticide than most other types of fruit. Many people think that by rinsing these fruits off with plain water, it will help remove these harmful substances. However, this is not an effective removal technique. Most pesticide products can only be removed from fruit when a proper food wash product is used.

3. Grapes

Renowned in the wine-making industry, there are numerous varieties of these fruits available today. A large number of grapes have to be imported when they are out of season in order to keep up with industry demands. As a result, these fruits are often laden with harmful pesticides in order to have them arrive at their destination in pristine condition. To ensure that your exposure to pesticides is reduced as much as possible, grapes should be separated from the bunch and thoroughly washed with a fruit wash before being used.

4. Strawberries

Whether enjoyed on their own or with a bowl of powdered sugar and fresh cream, these highly delicious yet delicate fruits are extremely susceptible to being attacked by pests during the growing process. This is just one reason why such high levels of pesticide products are usually found on the conventionally-grown varieties. If you consume this fruit regularly, you will definitely want to use a fruit wash on the berries before eating them.

5. Nectarines

A large percentage of these delicious fruits are imported into the US. As a result, they are also susceptible to being sprayed with numerous pesticide products before being allowed into the country. Like peaches, nectarines also have a skin that absorbs high amounts of pollutants and pesticides from the atmosphere. Washing them properly with a good quality food wash will help reduce your risk of ingesting these harmful substances.

There are many wonderful food wash and fruit wash products on the market today. Taking a few extra minutes to prepare fruit before allowing your family to eat it will go a long way in helping to keep them healthy.